WSJ: Trump Admin Considers Action on Homeless in California
(Wall Street Journal) President Trump is bringing an unprecedented amount of attention to the homelessness in California when federal housing officials toured Los Angeles homeless projects ahead of a campaign swing through the state. According to the September 10, 2019 Wall Street Journal, the Trump administration said it may try to help get homeless people in […]
LA Times Opinion: I’m 73 and I live in a van. No place for me…
A heartbreaking account from the September 9, 2019 Los Angeles Times by Lavonne Ellis, a retired news professional who chose to live in a van over the high price of living in California.
Thank You, Farmers Insurance
When the fires happened my wife and I lost everything, but thanks to companies like Farmers Insurance we have been able to put our lives back together and actually help others through Homes 4 the Homeless. We especially want to thank our adjuster Steve Halanski. It’s unusual these days to hear about people who are grateful to their […]
NY Times Opinion: The Power of Altruism
When the fire chief decided to dock pay for excessive unexcused absences, why did the number of unpaid leaves for Christmas and New Year’s rise? The New York Times argues that while we as humans generally act in our own self-interest, we have evolved to be really good at cooperation and empathy and are strongly motivated to teach and help others.
Thanks to Restore and Habitat for Humanity for Homeless Help
When things were at their worst after losing our home in the wildfires, the people at Habitat for Humanity and Restore stepped in and donated everything we needed to start putting our lives back together. Clothes, furniture, linens, furnishings, building supplies, even food. Thank you!
The “Scandal” of homeless living in shipping container homes
In the past few weeks the airwaves were flooded with reports of a mother of four on welfare in the UK decrying living in a shipping container and politicians calling “Scandal!” Sky News interviews her saying, “This is a place for animals, not for human beings.” No one wants to see children living in substandard conditions, but […]
North Bay Cities Looking at Rapid Response Housing via COTS
Local media sources KSRO and The Press Democrat reported on recent city government efforts to reduce homelessness in the North Bay. More than $250,000 has been allocated for rapid response housing for the homeless. KSRO Radio News reported that Santa Rosa city leaders have been directed by the city council to draw up plans to spend […]
World Economic Forum Addresses Container Homes in the UK
(World Economic Forum) The “humble” shipping container popped up on the radar for the World Economic Forum, in an August 2019 blog post about promising applications in the UK. Fraser Brown MacKenna Architects, according to the blog, has obtained approval to construct a series of homes out of the ubiquitous containers. This “cargotecture” project is aimed at providing […]
Free, Detailed Report on Bay Area Homeless Issued by Council
The Bay Area ranks third behind New York and Los Angeles in homelessness, according to homeless trends issued in a groundbreaking report by the Bay Area Council. New York with 76,500 homeless ranks first, followed by Los Angeles with 55,200, and the San Francisco Bay Area ranks third with 28,200.
FastCompany Highlights Container Homes for the Homeless
FastCompany in 2018 covered a 22-unit building leased by the University of California. The modular, stackable container homes would come fully built inside and put together like legos in four days, a process that would take a year with traditional building methods.