H4H President Archie Kao Receives Humanitarian Award at the Broadway School Spring Gala in Venice, California

Actor and Producer Archie Kao was presented with a Humanitarian Award for his support of nonprofit Homes 4 the Homeless at the Friends of Broadway School’s Spring Gala, April 19 in Venice, California.
Actor, Producer Archie Kao Appointed President of Nonprofit Homes 4 the Homeless

SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 28, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Homes 4 the Homeless (www.homes4thehomeless.org) proudly announces the appointment of actor and producer Archie Kao, known in Chinese as 高圣远, as President of the Northern California nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the current homeless crisis. Actor, producer Archie Kao brings a lifetime of experience to nonprofit Homes […]